Dublin Day 4: Howth & Indian Food


I started today a little late again, and took the DART north to Howth, which is a coastal town famous for its seafood and cliffs. Once off the DART, I made my way north along the shore, and admired the pastel colored shops and houses, along with the bright boats. Following the main road, I began to climb in altitude, and eventually made it to the trail head after about 25 minutes of walking. From there I braved the steep and crowded trails in my doc martens, and was met with stunning views. The cliffs were alive with the wind, and the sea swirling below added a flair of danger that made your heart jump a little. It was an invigorating experience.

After the cliff walk, I returned to town, where I went into the Howth Market, which is a small collection of outdoor stands that sell food and souvenirs. There I got a hearty bowl of clam chowder. Afterwards, I walked down the dock, and looked at the boats that lined it. Next to one such boat was a large seal, that playfully bobbed as us tourists walked by. It was quite cute.

After this, I hopped back on the DART, and took it down to Dun Laoghaire, and then back into Dublin just to admire the scenery. I think you learn a lot about a place by riding public transportation. I loved seeing the different houses, and differences between towns.

When I got back into the city, I went to a Super Value and got a pack of 2 fresh pastry-type things, that were filled with Chicken Tikka Masala filling. While basically the Irish equivalent of gas station food, they were delicious. Further down the street from the Super Value, I had some really good gulab jamun(dough balls soaked in sugar syrup).

After this, I again ended this day on the bridge, just the same as the day before. Tomorrow is my tour around University College Dublin, and I am very excited.