
Hello! My name is Frances O’Leary, and this is my personal website, which is pretty much always in a state of construction. This is where I detail my projects, thoughts, experiences, and anything else that comes to mind.

I am currently a senior at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where I am studying computer science and math with strong interests in rockets, robotics, planes, and space. Specifically with CS, I am interested in embedded systems, avionics, GNC algorithms, and robotic path planning. I am also currently conducting research related to dynamic corrective 3D printing. Before coming to Purdue, I graduated from Claremont High School in Claremont, California, where I completed my IB Diploma and helped facilitate CS outreach and education programs.

Going back to Purdue - Boiler Up! I have really enjoyed my time at Purdue so far, and serve as an officer in orgs such as Purdue 3D Printing Club, Computer Science Women’s Network, and Purdue Space Program, among others. In Spring of 2021 I also enjoyed learning in a mechanical engineering research lab while working on an autonomous vehicle. One of my favorite activities on campus is working as a TA for various CS courses — so far I’ve helped out in CS 180, CS 240, CS 252, CS 250 and am now working for CS 354 and CS 381. You can read more about what I do at Purdue and in general here.

In the summers of 2020 and 2021, I was lucky enough to conduct virtual internships at Microsoft on the ODSP EFun team, which was an amazing experience. Read more about my first summer here.

During the summer of 2022 I had a lot of fun interning at SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA, where I got to work on embedded software for Starlink User Terminals.

In my free time, I love to read, work on my personal projects, fly a Cessna, or go for a run.